© 2013 Life of Worship Ministries, Inc.
4000 S. Washington * Amarillo, TX 79110 * 79110
Worship in Spirit & Truth
Worship is so much more than singing. Music,
prayer, preaching and the arts can all be used to
minister to Yahweh and to others. Yahweh is the
author of them all. Worship is one way that we
give back to Him all the glory and honor and
praise that is due His Name. When we sing
together and pray together our hearts literally
beat as one: in unity.
Through worship, healing and deliverance come.
Praise and worship opens the door to the divine
presence of Yahweh; that is why we must move
from the point where we are just singing notes
and words, to worship that brings deliverance,
moves the heart, and brings a message of hope,
etc... We have been called to worship in Spirit
and in Truth. This kind of worship moves past
the natural to the supernatural. True worship is a
lifestyle; it’s 24/7. We were created to worship.
We worship with banners, flags and streamers
Call to Worship & Gather
Psalm 149:3 “Let them praise His
name with dancing and make music
with tambourine and harp.:”
Drama, dance, media, flags,
tambourine, etc. are great ways to
preach the Gospel and minster the
Word of God. Breaking with
tradition, each of those art forms
reach across cultural and political
barriers. They can break through
the walls of people’s hearts which
can’t be torn down with other
witnessing. These art forms allow
Yawhe’s Word to reach all the
senses and be understood in a
deeper way. LOW uses Hebraic
dance, hip-hop, ballet and other
dance forms to minister. All ages
have joined this ministry.
Have you been called to
Worship Ministry?
There is a need for capable
individuals in behind the scenes
roles such as sound, lighting,
media, costume, make-up, etc.
Together as a team we usher
people into His presence and
“heaven invades earth.”