© 2013 Life of Worship Ministries, Inc.
4000 S. Washington * Amarillo, TX 79110 * 79110
Statement of Faith
Statement of Faith
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that the whole Word should be lived out
as Yahweh’s instruction manual. The 66 books of the Bible, although chosen by men, were
inspired by YHVH. They are 100% accurate in their purest, original language and form.
The Scriptures are the final authority on all doctrine and all matters of which it speaks.
We believe that Yahweh is the one true God, the Creator of all things, who is infinitely perfect
and eternally echad (as one): the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Deut. 6:4)
We believe through His Word, He created the universe in six literal days (John1:3). His Word
would later be revealed as His Son, Yeshua (Jesus). “Yeshua” is the Messiah’s Hebrew
name; it means “salvation”.
We believe The “Word” that God spoke in Genesis to create the universe was the same Word
that was sent in John 1:1 to become flesh. This “Word” that dwelt among us is “Yeshua.”
We believe that Yeshua, (Jesus) is the Son of God. He is the Living Word of God that
became flesh, born of a virgin. He was crucified and was buried. on the third day, He rose
from the dead and later ascended into heaven. Yeshua is the prophesied Messiah of the Old
Testament, the Son of God, Creator of Heaven and earth, the manifest presence of
Yawheh. (Is 44:6, Rev 22:13).
We believe that the Torah (instruction) of Yahweh has not been abolished, and the observance
of it is still the valid expression of a godly faith; not as a means of salvation, but as the God
given path of sanctification. The written Torah given to Moshe (Moses) is the same Torah
that Messiah Yeshua has taught us to observe. We are taught not only to observe it, but to
also make disciples in the name of Yeshua The Messiah and to teach them to live Torah
pursuant lives (Matt. 5:16-19). Yeshua said, “If you love me, you will keep my
commands.” (John 14:15, 1 John 2:3-6)
We believe that from Creation to Mount Sinai, the people of the Earth were offending Yahweh
(God) so much by sinning – breaking all the laws and instructions that He gave them orally
– that He sent them His Word and Instructions (His Law) in written form for the purpose of
helping them clearly understand the difference between right and wrong and creating
patterns in their life that would bring blessings and connection with Him. (Gal 3:19).
We believe we are saved by grace through faith in Yeshua. Salvation is a free gift of God to
man, separate from the works of the law. in order to be saved one must first understand
that he has broken God's perfect law and is condemned because of his sin to eternal
destruction away from the presence of Almighty God (Duet 11:28, Rom 6:23). He must
then accept the blood of Yeshua/Jesus over the door posts of his heart and believe that
outside the death, burial, and resurrection of Yeshua there is no way for salvation.
We believe that Believers are part of Israel, both natural and wild branches grafted into Israel
by the blood of Messiah (Romans 11), joint-heirs of the promise, and members of the
Commonwealth of Israel. (Ephesians 2:11), having the Torah written upon their hearts and
minds according to the New Covenant. (Romans 11:11-24; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews
We believe that The Holy Spirit is God and is fully released in our lives by the baptism of the
Holy Spirit, which happens after salvation and is the gift Yahweh promised by Yeshua to all
believers. (Ezekiel 36.25; Matthew 3:11; Luke 24:49; John 14:16-17: Acts 2:38-39) We
believe and embrace the ministry, operation, and all the gifts of the Holy Sprit as described
in the Scriptures. (Acts 19:1-7; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11) The gifts of the Spirit were in
existence in the past and are still active today: word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith,
the gifts of healing, the working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, [divers] kinds
of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues.
We believe in divine healing - the restoration of health to those who believe and act on the
truths written in God’s Word.
We believe that the 7th day, is Sabbath, and should be set apart as the 4th commandment is
We believe in keeping the Feasts of Yahweh because they demonstrate the divine nature of
Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and are prophetic shadowpictures of things to come.
We believe that at the point of conversion it is the responsibility of the believer to submit
himself to the teachings of his new “Rabbi Yeshua,” to be baptized (immersed) into His
name, and to follow Him all the days of His life (Luke 9:23, 1 Cor 9:24).
We believe this is best done by surrounding oneself with a community of believers that have
the same passion to be more like Him daily. Being in a local community of believers is
critical for spiritual growth, accountability, and the maturity of spiritual gifts within the
We believe that through His death, Yeshua took over the High priesthood, and because of His
perfect blood sacrifice, His Father would be forever satisfied and man would now always
have the ability to come into the presence of Almighty Yahweh (Heb 9:11-12) through the
blood of the Lamb.
We believe that someday, our Messiah will come back to Earth to redeem all those that are
His, those that have been grafted into the commonwealth of Israel (Rom 11, Eph 2). Then
He will reign from the New Jerusalem for 1000 years (1 Thes 3:13, Rev 20:4).
We believe in hell and eternal retribution. Each individual’s relationship with Yeshua will
determine where he or she will spend eternity.
We believe that the mission of the Church exists to train and equip the believer to carry on the
works of Yeshua (Jesus).
We believe that the method ordained of God to sustain His ministry and the spread of the
Gospel is through tithes and offerings.