© 2013 Life of Worship Ministries, Inc.
8508 San Antonio Dr * Amarillo, TX 79118 *
We pray that when you come to Life of Worship, you will be changed by the power and
presence of Yahweh and the truth of His Word. To our knowledge, there is not another
gathering of believers like this anywhere in the panhandle of Texas. We know you are
thinking you’ve heard this before. What makes Life of Worship different than other places?
Here, we preach the whole Word of Yahweh and worship in Spirit and in Truth. We want to
see those that understand that His instruction manual should still be lived out today; and
those that love to walk and worship in the Spirit, come together to worship Yeshua. This is
the end-time revival, as believers wake-up and begin to return to the roots of their faith.
This is the dry bones of Ezekiel coming together and rising up as an army. Here at Life of
Worship we will not compromise the truth. We preach that we are saved by grace through
faith in Yeshua; that’s the first step. Yeshua then says “if you love me, you will keep my
commands.” It’s a love story of our bride-groom Yeshua calling out his brides.
God is sending those just like you, to match the assignment given to us by Yahweh. People
have come and joined this work because they are tired of the “game” of church as well as
the compromise and are looking for something real, something more. “Worshiping God” is
not just for a church service, but it is a lifestyle lived twenty-four hours a day seven days a
week. A Life of Worship is life transforming. It encompasses every part of one’s life. We
invite you to join us. What an incredible journey we will have, as we learn and grow
together in Him, bringing life into places where drought has taken its toll